In Himamaylan City, a triple truck collision near its city hall resulted in 3 injuries, yesterday, February 7. Fortunately, there were no fatalities.
According to report from Himamaylan Police, the incident involved a trailer truck, a hauler and a dump truck, and all injured were the drivers of the said vehicles. The victims were identified as Johnny Santillan, 39, driver of the hauler; Wilson Jimenez, 56, driver of the dump truck; and the trailer driver, 41-year-old, Gerald Hiseta.

Traffic investigation showed that the dump truck loaded with sand and gravel coming from Binalbagan town was heading towards Himamaylan City when it swerved on the opposite lane and hit the trailer head on. Meanwhile, the hauler tailing behind the trailer tried to avoid the accident, but the driver lost his control and feel on its side onto the sugar plantation.
According to some spectators, all drivers tried to escape the fatal accident by jumping off their driven vehicle. All were brought by the first responders to various hospitals for treatment.
Portion of the main highway from Himamalyan going to Binalbagan was temporarily closed to traffic for hours while the Bureau of Fire Protection cleanup the accident area from debris and contained the oil leak from the trucks involved.