San Carlos City Mayor Rene Gustilo urged barangays in the city to impose “Zonal Containment” in areas with rising cases of confirmed COVID-19.
While Mayor Rene Gustilo undergoes quarantine at the City Hall after being exposed reportedly to a confirmed case and had his RT PCR Test last week, he urged all barangays with prevalent cases of local transmission of COVID-19 to declare “zonal containment” in high risk areas within their barangays. This is based on the recommendation of the Incident Management Team with the aim to suppress the unprecented increase of community transmission in the city.
As of last weekend, there are 34 new local confirmed cases relayed and reflected thru the COVID-19 Management Information System (MIS) portal of the province.
Affected households or those with members who are afflicted with COVID-19 shall be on preventive isolation or lockdown. While the confirmed patients must be brought to the COVID-19 Healing Center.