Star stops shining


From retired Judge Ray Drilon

I am saddened that a popular figure in the community, a longtime purveyor of news-good and bad- opinionated yet balanced, fearless but not reckless, accurate though at times sensational, objective and ethical, though at times militant or partial, and a good companion, mostly during coffee break, all through almost four decades of existence, has sadly expired.
I am referring to a longtime associate The Visayan Daily Star one of Bakolod’s daily newspapers.
I was touched by Carla G’s Social Media post presiding over the demise of this friend, “putting it to bed”. The phrase is graphic and quite hopeful. This friend might still wake up, maybe not. Open ended (ha) …the careful journalist.
Anyway, I pay tribute to this multi-awarded figure of the Fourth Estate. A significant portion of the events in my professional life have seen print in the bosom of the VSD.
That was a good run.
Consummatum Est.

From Odette Montelibano

COME TO THINK OF IT my beloved friends will have opportunities to work for better companies who will not shortchange them in the long run.
COME TO THINK OF IT plans to reopen solely in a digital platform are underway with it’s old and “expendable ” editorial team no longer in the daily grind. So it’s reopening WITHOUT the integrity & credibility of its former reporters and editors.
COME TO THINK OF IT I haven’t fallen in love with the digital platform all these years.. is it just me or is it the dated HTML? Should magical outcomes be expected from the same-old-same-old?
COME TO THINK OF IT… it’s very interesting to see how the digital platform will thrive or not with the new crew.
COME TO THINK OF IT the new team should be warned that they too are “expendables.”
COME TO THINK OF IT my beloved friends are moving on but will definitely fight for what is rightfully theirs — I’m hoping and praying they will for their own self-worth.
COME TO THINK OF IT padayon!!!

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