Jack & Jill Schools and Castleson High Schools to permanently close down


Jack & Jill Schools and Castleson High Schools, renowned institutions with a legacy of 60 years of education service to the community, have announced their permanent closure by June 30, 2023.

This decision came as a result of the pandemic’s lasting impact on the school’s finances, despite the institution’s rapid shift to online classes and extensive teacher training, the school said in a statement.

Dr. Muriel Lopez-Wagner, the current president of the schools, shared that the loss of Mrs. Cecilia del Castillo Lopez, the founder of Jack & Jill Schools, last 2020, coupled with declining enrollment numbers, were significant factors leading to the financial collapse.

“The only way out was to sell a building,” reports Dr. Lopez, who expressed gratitude to the parents, students, alumni, teachers, staff, and loyal supporters who have been part of the Jack & Jill legacy.

As the schools prepare to close their doors, staff members are ensuring a smooth transfer for current students to other institutions, the statement added.

Jack & Jill School in Homesite, was established in 1963 as a preschool by Lopez after having taught at La Salle.

She started her own school in her living room with 23 children in small neighborhood of Homesite.

In 1971, a branch in City Heights was opened known as “Little Angels which is today a full-fledged K-12 school.

In 1979, Jack & Jill Kinder School in Homesite expanded to include an elementary school.

A few years later, another elementary school branch in Victorias was opened in 1981.

The year 1995 resulted in the simultaneous establishment of Castleson High in Homesite, Castleson High in City Heights, and Sidera Special Child Center in City Heights.

A year later, Castleson High Schools in Homesite and City Heights were merged to become one school located in City Heights Subdivision.

The name “Castleson” or Castillo and Sons was an acknowledgement to Mrs. Lopez’s father, Mariano del Castillo.

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