Globe customer support down


Several customer support channels of Globe Telecom, including its hotline 211, are currently down due to technical issues.

In a statement Globe said it is working to fix the issue as soon as possible. As of posting time, GlobeOne app, the telco self-service tool for Android and iOS users is now operational. But calls to hotline remains unresolved.

This affects regular and enterprise customers who may want to speak to a live agent or an operator to have their issues addressed.

This is the message that welcomes GlobeOne app users last night.

In the meantime, if you need help with your Globe Postpaid, you may contact us through Facebook Messenger, the company said.

For Globe At Home accounts, you may use the Globe At Home app in the meantime, while Bayan accounts, may reach support through Facebook Messenger.

Globe hopes for everyone’s patience and understanding.

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