DOH logs the highest number of COVID cases in a day since pandemic


The Department of Health has recorded 33,169 additional cases of COVID-19, today, January 10- the highest number of fresh cases in a day since the pandemic began almost 2 years ago.

Of the total number of recorded cases in the country, 5.3% (157,526) were active cases, 93.0% (2,788,711) were cured, and 1.74% (52,293) died.

With the surge in new cases and some areas now under Alert Level 3, the health bureau reminds everyone not to be complacent about the threat of COVID-19.

It said: “we must continue to adhere to minimum public health standards and always wear a facemask, do physical distancing, and wash our hands.”

The health department also urges Filipinos that as soon as they feel symptoms to immediately isolate and get tested.

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