CSC VI recommends Bacolod City for bronze award for 100% rating in all Maturity Level II standard indicators of Enhanced PRIME-HRM


The Civil Service Commission Regional Office VI recommended the City of Bacolod for a Bronze Award after the Human Resource Management Office obtained a 100 percent rating in all Maturity Level II standard indicators under the Enhanced PRIME-HRM.

An online assessment conducted last December 22-23, 2021 was attended by the HRMO, headed by Erman Aguirre, alongside various committees on the four core HR systems.

The citation also came after the LGU complied with all existing Civil Service law and rules on appointments, records management, leave administration, employee discipline and compensation administration.

Bacolod City posted a perfect rating in all the four core HR systems, namely Recruitment, Selection and Placement (RSP); Learning and Development (L&D); Performance Management System (PMS) and Rewards and Recognition (R&R) as indicated under the Systems and Competencies lenses of the Enhanced PRIME-HRM.

The PRIME-HRM, or the Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management, is a mechanism designed to help elevate public sector resource management to a level of excellence through a process of HRM systems, practices and competencies using HRM maturity level indicators that meet global standards.

Among others, PRIME-HRM aims to inspire agencies to transform their HRM systems that support the agency mandate; empower in the performance of human resource management functions; serves as venues for exchange and development of expertise and mechanism for best practices in human resource management and to promote and reward excellent human resource management practices.

If officially granted with the Level II accreditation, Bacolod City, through the HRMO, will receive a bronze plaque, the authority to take final actions on appointments and exemption from the Section 96 of the 2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions (ORAOHRA), as amended.

A 20 percent discount rate for the HRMO head or one Agency Representative for Civil Service Institute trainings or conferences will also be awarded.

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