The San Carlos City Council for Youth Affairs Office officially launched their Youth Employment Program (YEP) before City Mayor Renato Y. Gustilo.
Renzie Mae Tambasen, Youth Development Officer I of City Youth Development Council (CYDC) said that the program is an initiative made by the council because of their different activities left dormant due to the pandemic.
She added that said move aimed at targeting members of the CYDC deemed with low income; honing their skills for long-term employment in the future.
She also cited that they are currently looking into gathering recipients of the program from the different organizations for the 2nd batch where a total of 6 beneficiaries will be taken from the 5 organizations namely: Scouts Royale Brotherhood, ALAS, TBCS, Tau Gamma Phi and Alpha Kappa Rho.
Said beneficiaries will start working on October 11, 2021 to December 2021 in an office setting as Job Orders while proactively performing their functions in accordance to the implementing guidelines of the CYDC.