3 Negrense ladies top Psychometrician Licensure Exam


Three young Negrense women have made it to the top 10 of the August 2024 Psychometricians Licensure Examination, based on the result released by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).

Stephanie Grace Esponilla Siaga from STI West Negros University secured the 8th spot with a rating of 85.8, while Khyra Maeshelle Biantan Moises from the University of St. La Salle ranked 10th with a rating of 85.4. Another Negrense, Gellyn de Asis Canabal, a graduate of the University of the Philippines – Iloilo City, also shared the 10th spot.

Meanwhile, Chiqui Castro Patio from Holy Angel University topped the exam with a percentage rating of 88.0.

A total of 7,478 out of 10,717 examinees passed the licensure exam, which was given by the Board of Psychology in NCR, Baguio, Cebu, and Davao earlier this month.

The results were released on Monday, August 19, five working days after the exam.

For the full result, visit this link.

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