Teleperformance partners with various institutions to support talent-building initiatives


Teleperformance, a global leader in customer and citizen experience management and digital services, recently announced its annual sustainability initiative to support children’s education.

Through partnerships with universities, student organizations, government, and industry institutions, the company said it has helped develop and hone the talents of around 10,000 young people.

In Negros Occidental, Teleperformance has partnered with the Negros Occidental Language Information Technology Center to give priority to graduates in job applications, screening, and recruitment processing.

The company has also collaborated with the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) and industry organizations in the Philippines to promote talent development in the countryside.

Teleperformance CEO Francisco Lara said that the company’s mission is to provide development support and career opportunities to those with potential, regardless of their status, gender, or orientation.

Along with this, the company has donated to Project Angel Tree to aid victims of child labor and has partnered with the Life Project for 4 Youth to help integrate young adults living in extreme poverty and exclusion.

It has also launched the English Communication Webinar Series to help Filipinos upskill and increase their job market competitiveness. nterested individuals may join the free English Communication Webinar Series by visiting to register.

The company also formed the TP Launchpad, a university relations program that helps build students’ capabilities through mentorships, seminars, internships, mock interviews, and campus job fairs. it also supported conferences that recognize and foster talent development and innovation among the youth, such as the StratMark Strategic Marketing Conference for Students and the Agora Youth Awards.

Teleperformance employees also continue to dedicate their time to education causes by participating in Brigada Eskwela, the Department of Education’s annual nationwide volunteer activity, where they visit public schools to do school maintenance and repairs in preparation for the opening of classes.

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