Pulupandan-Guimaras sea travel on hold


Navimar Shipping temporarily halted sea travel operations between Pulupandan and Guimaras until an African Swine Fever (ASF) control point is established in Pulupandan.

The ASF control point will serve as checkpoint in preventing entry of live pigs, pork, and its by-products from in Negros Occidental following a confirmed case of ASF in Guimaras province. A control point will also be set-up in Guimaras to prevent departing passengers to sneak-in prohibited products.

Once the check-point is set-up and the Maritime Industry Authority completes its re-inspection of Navimar’s vessel, the shipping operator said it will begin its voyage between Pulupandan and Guimaras.

Navimar will officially operate out of Pulupandan port instead of Paco Beach as previously announced, after it has secured the approval of Pulupandan Mayor Miguel Peña to utilize the existing port.

In Guimaras, the vessel will dock at Sebasate Wharf in Sibunag.

One-way fare will cost P220 and travel time is approximately an hour.

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