The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) in Bacolod City plans to re-summon Jennifer Galve, the mother of 15-year-old Pearl Joy, who was found dead in La Carlota after she went missing for 2 weeks.
NBI-Bacolod Chief Manuel Fayre expressed frustration with the lack of progress in the case as they remain clueless about the circumstances surrounding Pearl Joy’s death. Fayre believes that Pearl’s mother may be withholding information and has urged her to be truthful in her statements.
“This time, we expect you to tell the truth,” Fayre warned. “If you are found to be lying, you will be the first to face criminal charges.”
The agency is considering filing a case of child abuse against the mother if she fails to cooperate with the investigation.
An autopsy report released on August 27 revealed that Pearl Joy sustained blunt trauma marks on various parts of her body, suggesting that she may have been beaten.