Himamaylan to lift border checkpoints


Effective tomorrow, November 7, the established border checkpoints in Paco, Libacao and Enclaro in the city of Himamaylan will be lifted. This after Mayor Rogelio Tongson, Jr signed Executive Order No. 2020-53.

The checkpoints will be officially dismantled by 12:00AM of November 7. The mayor however clarified that the entire city will remain under Modified Genera/ Community Quarantine (MGCO) until November 15, 2020.

It will now be the responsibility of the barangay chiefs to monitor movements within their area, according to the mayor.

For residents working outside of Himamaylan but within Negros Occidental

The EO states that all local residents (living/working outside of Himamaylan City but within the Province of Negros Occidental) who intends to return home, will register with their concerned barangay by either contacting the Punong Barangay.

The Barangay secretary or any official barangay representative or his family member is now tasked to inform any of the said barangay officials prior to their arrival and upon their arrival, for monitoring purposes.

The barangay officials or official barangay representative shall in turn notify the concerned purok presidents of the arrival of their resident/s. The purok president together with his/her purok officials shall assist in monitoring and ensuring compliance with the health and safety protocols to be observed by the arriving resident/s and notify immediately the Barangay Health Emergency Response Team of any untoward incident and/or violation of said protocol/s.

In order to ensure the safety of the other members of the community, those going home over the weekend or during their day-off from work shall only stay inside their residence and only family members shall be allowed to procure/buy the needs of their family.

On returning residents or Locally Stranded Individuals

Those who are intending to go home permanently or will stay for longer period, should notify their barangay officials for strict compliance. They will also undergo a free RT-PCR testing to be facilitated by the city, the EO said.

Right after the testing, individuals will have to stay in the Quarantine Facility until the result is out, which normally wouls take 3-5 days.

In the event of one is tested positive, the person concerned shall stay in the QF until ordered release by the city physician.

The EO, however clarified that the mandatory RT-PCR testing shall no longer be conducted if the person concerned can present a negative RT-PCR result – valid 72 hours after date of release — and conducted by an accredited testing center within the Province Of Negros Occidental.

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