CENECO drops electric charges by .26 cents


Despite the recent announcement for another round of fuel price hike, the Central Negros Electric Cooperative, Inc. announced today, October 18, that they are reducing their average residential rate for the billing month of October 2022 by P0.2648/kWh, from last month’s rate of P15.6985/kWh.

The P0.2648/kWh rate decrease is attributed to the net reduction in generation, transmission and system loss charges due to the availment of fuel discount from one of CENECO’s power supplier as well as decrease in FIT-All rate, Lifeline & Senior Citizen Subsidies, GRAM ICERA adjustment and VAT, the electric provider said in a statement.

This will bring down the cost per kilowatt to P 15.4337, with the pass-through charges equivalent to P14.2471/kWh of the total power rate. This covers the Generation and Transmission charges, ERC-approved adjustments, government subsidies and taxes.

CENECO reiterated that of the full amount, only P1.1866/kWh of the power rate goes to them through Distribution, Supply, Metering (DSM) Charges and Reinvestment Fund for Sustainable CAPEX (RFSC) for its administrative and operational services.

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